Tuesday, November 17, 2009

K Govt to bring Indians to teach English

First off I have to admit that many Indians will be more qualified than many "native speakers." I've seen some pretty poor soul(-lesse)s representing my home country and/or language, and I've met more than a few fluent Indians. [Insert, but apologize for to be PC, tech support joke.]

The Korean government's motivation, however, I would suspect to be less altruistic. The wealth disparity between India and Korea means that Indians will have more to lose if they "rabble rouse" as English teachers are just starting to do (ATEK, etc.)

First article: Indian teachers to come

Second article: SMOE (Seoul) tells English teachers to [insert self-deprecating expletive of your choice] regarding the many contracts SMOE breaks.

Third article: Deported (admittedly illegal but EMPLOYED BY WHOM?) immigrant trying to get Korean health insurance to cover the head wound from ... his employer chucking things at him out of anger.




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