Friday, November 20, 2009

The First Korean English Teacher Labor Union

Has been approved by the Ministry of Labor. No, ATEK wasn't a labor union because only the president can form national labor unions. This is a local union, but it's a precedent-setting occasion.

Case in point was a hagwon that thought it could boss around three to seven foreign teachers. Now, besides having won their labor case, they're UNION.

Two or more employees have the right to unionize. Not just the opportunity, but the right. Meaning if you are fired for forming or being part of a union, a cause of action exists against your employer.

And it gets better. Once a formally approved union, employess can (1) legally strike if demands are not met and (2) make union demands. Don't like something your boss is doing? If a union demands an issue be addressed, management has to address the issue. This doesn't mean you have carte blanche to push around the employer, but they have to at least say "yay" or "nay" and if nay ... well ... see (1).

If interested in forming another union, call:

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